Ons staan
alweer aan die einde van 2014. Soos gewoonlik
begin ons jaar met ‘n hoogtepunt- ons S.A. Kampioenskappe op Moorreesburg en die
Dertigste Bestaansjaarvieringe van die S.A. Vlaamperd ras. ‘n Uitstekende skou met ongeveer 90 perde
van baie hoë gehalte en ‘n hoë standaard word gehandhaaf. Daar
was drie wa-spanne, die span van Hoffie/Marius, Herman en Patat/Jan
Nelson. Ons het die Saterdagmiddag ons
Erelidmaatskap Toekenning aan Piet Serdyn oorhandig, waarin hy met ‘n statige
koets, gedryf deur Jan Koeglenberg aangekom het in die arena. ( Willem Smith en
Kowie Oberholtzer het ook Erelidmaatkap
ontvang, ongelukkig is Kowie, net daarna oorlede) Hoffie het met die Klawer en Marius met die
Random vooruit gery en vir Piet ingewag, waar Marius sy toekenning aan hom
oorhandig het, en hom bedank het vir die totstandkoming van die Vlaamperdras en
wat hy en sy voorgangers vir die bedryf gedoen het. Die Kampioenskap was ‘n groot sukses en ‘n
spesiale dank aan Herman en sy gesin, dat alles so vlot verloop het. Ook aan al ons borge Baie dankie, en laaste
maar nie die minste nie aan al die lede wat die Kampioenskappe so ‘n groot
sukses help maak het.
gewoontlik het ons weer baie lekker geskou die afgelope jaar. Ons het weggespring
met Lutzville. Daarna was dit
Porterville, waar almal amper weggespoel het van die reën, maar die beste probeer maak het van ‘n
sleg situasie. Malmesbury was volgende
gevolg deur Villiersdorp, waar die wind en reën ook die skou in die wiele gery
het. Die einde Oktober het ons in Loeriesfontein gaan skou en dit was ons
laaste skou van 2013. Februarie het ons
Heidelberg en Swellendam geskou, gevolg deur
Clanwilliam in April en waar ons met minder perde moes skou weens die
perdesiekte wat uitgebreek het in die Wes-Kaap.
Baie dankie aan
al die skoubesture waar ons deelgeneem
het. Daar is goeie samewerking tussen
die genootskap, die verskillende skoubesture en die beoordeelaars. Spesiale dank aan julle, vir julle
Boeta Smit is
toe deur Stamboek aangewys om die Ouerverifikasie toets te laat doen op drie
vullens, wat hy geslaag het! Baie
Geluk Boeta, jy hou ons Vlaamperdnaam hoog.
Ten slotte net ‘n paar dankies vir die jaar. Aan die Raad en sy lede, dankie vir julle ondersteuning en bydraes. Ons kan met trots terugkyk op n baie
suksesvolle jaar. Vir Dr. van Rooyen en
sy personeel by Stamboek, nogmaals dankie vir jul bydrae asook ons Boekhouers,
Bester en Vennote.
Alle eer en
dank aan ons Hemelse Vader vir hierdie pragperde wat Hy in ons sorg en
verantwoordelikheid geplaas het. Mag Hy Gee
dat ons lede sal sorg vir die
voortbestaan en welstand van hierdie ras en dat die perde altyd voorkeur sal
en lede, ons het weereens aan die einde van nog ‘n Vlaamperd jaar gekom. ‘n Opwindende jaar waarop ons kan terugkyk
en ‘n opwindende een wat voorlê.
Die Genootskap is in 1983 gestig en nou is ons 30 jaar oud. Wat ‘n mylpaal!!
Ons kan met trots terugkyk op die afgelope 30 jaar. Kyk net waar het ons begin en waar staan ons
vandag! Eerstens wil ek baie dankie sê
vir diegene wat 30 jaar gelede, die kundigheid aan die dag gelê het, om die
swart perde van die land oor baie jare Vlaamperde genoem is, in 1983 as ‘n
volwaardige ras te laat goedkeur en registreer. Baie dankie aan hulle wat vandag nog saam
met ons is , (Piet Serdyn) en ook aan hulle wat nie meer met ons is nie. Baie dankie aan ons lede van vandag, wat
elke dag help om ons ras uit te bou en die voortbestaan daarvan te
verseker. Die Vlaamperd is een van ons
min Suid Afrikaans Geteelde Perderasse en beslis een om op trots te wees.
Ons het nog steeds ‘n ontwikkelende ras en ons behoort ‘n geslote kudde te wees na 30 jaar,
maar ons genepoel is nog te klein om die kuddepoel te sluit. Ons sal oordeelkundig moet begin teel met
die nuwe bloedlyne wat die afgelope jaar ingekom het, om sodoede ‘n groter
genepoel te ontwikkel, sodat ons die deure stadig kan begin toetrek.
Die Vlaamperde het hierdie jaar weer op ‘n hele klop skoue hulle stempel
afgedruk. Die volgende skoue was goed deur die Vlame
verteenwoordig, Heidelberg, Swellendam, Williston,Clanwilliam, Lutzville,
Porterville en Loeriesfontein. Daar was egter geen streekskoue aangebied nie,
die rede daarvoor is die koste daaraan verbonde vir die gashere. Agri-Expo gee nie meer ekstra geld vir die
streekskoue soos in die verlede nie.
Die meeste van die bogenoemde skoue het Trekperd skoue aangebied, waar al
die Trekperde saam skou. Dit werk baie
goed, want lekker sterk komperterende klasse word gesien, wat goed is vir die
vertoners en die toeskouers. Baie dankie
aan bogenoemde skoue vir julle gasvryheid.
Dit is ‘n plesier om by julle te
skou. Doen so voort, ons sal julle
Porterville is vanjaar 150 jaar oud en en ons wil ‘n beroep op ons lede doen, om hulle te
gaan ondersteun met hulle skou.
Ons Nasionale Kampioenskap op Moorreesburg was weer ‘n Groot sukses. Daar was veertien vertoners met ongeveer 90 Perde en vyf wa-spanne. Baie dankie, Ian Koch vir jou en jou span
vir dit wat julle vir ons Vlaamperde doen.
Dit is ‘n groot eer en ‘n voorreg
vir die Genootskap dat ons die afgelope 25 jaar deel van die Swartland Skou kon wees.
Ons wil ook graag ‘n beroep op Swartland Skou en die Genootskap met sy
lede doen om hierdie jaar met die 30 jarige bestaan van die
Vlaamperdtelersgenootskap, iets spesiaal vir die Vlaamperde te doen. Kom ons vat hande en probeer ‘n Vlaam skou
hou, wat vir die volgende 30 jaar onthou sal word.
Dan wil ek graag ‘n paar bedankings doen.
Aan my vrou Randi, dankie dat jy my bystaan, Marina en Hoffie van Blerk baie dankie vir jul
onbaatsugtige werk die afgelope agt jaar. S.A. Stamboek baie dankie vir julle
dienste en wat julle vir ons leer. Ons is bevoorreg om onder julle vlerke te kan
sit. Lettie Kruger vir jou wil ons
spesiaal bedank vir wat jy daar vir ons doen,
jy het die leisels stewig in jou hand.
Ons boekhouers Bester en Vennote baie dankie vir julle dienste gelewer.
‘n Baie groot Dankie vir ons borge die afgelope jaar. Ons weet die ekonomie is nie goed nie, maar
julle het nog steed na ons gekyk.
Nogmaals dankie beoordeelaars en beamptes sonder julle kan ons ook nie,
dankie vir julle bereidwilligheid om in die skoubane te staan en al ons perde
te beoordeel. Julle kwyt julle goed van
julle taak. Aan die Vlaamperd bestuur
baie dankie vir julle bydrae en diens die afgelope jaar. Dankie aan almal wat ‘n bydrae tot die
ontwikkeling en voortbestaan van die Vlaamperd maak.
Aan ons Hemelse Vader, baie dankie vir die voorreg, gawe en talent wat ons
het om hierdie diere te kan werk, sonder u leiding kan ons nie.
Koela Smit
Friends and members, we have once again come to an end of another Vlaamhorse year. An exciting year in which we can look back and look forward to an exciting one ahead. The Society was founded in 1983 and now we are 30 years old. What a milestone!!
We can proudly look back on the past 30 years. Just look at where we started and where we stand today! First I want to say thank you to those who 30 years ago laid the expertise on the day, the black horse of the country about many years called Vlaamhorses, in 1983 as a full-fledged race to approve and register. Thank you to those who are still with us today, (Piet Serdyn) and also to those who are no longer with us. Thank you to our members today, every day helps to build our race and ensure its survival. Vlaamhorses are one of our little South African bred Horse Race and certainly one to be proud of.
We are still a developing breed and we should be a closed herd after 30 years, but our gene pool is too small for us to close the gene pool.
Vlaamhorses won again this year and made their mark on the shows. The following shows were well represented by the Vlame, Heidelberg, Swellendam, Williston, Clanwilliam, Lutzville, Porterville and Loeriesfontein. There was no regional shows offered, the reason is the cost for the hosts. Agri-Expo gives no more extra money for the regional shows as in the past.
Most of the above shows, Go Horse shows presented, where all the Contract Horses show. It works great for nice strong competitive classes, which is good for the performers and the spectators. Thanks to these shows for your hospitality. It is a pleasure to show to you. Keep up the good work, we will support you!!
Porterville is 150 years old this year and we want to appeal to our members to support them in their show.
Our National Championship in Moorreesburg was again a great success. There were fourteen exhibitors with about 90 horses and five water teams. Thank you, Ian Koch for you and your team for what you do for the Vlaamhorses. It is a great honor and a privilege for the Society over the past 25 years to be part of the Swartland Show. We would also like to appeal to Swartland Show and the Society with its members this year with 30 anniversary of Vlaamhorse breeders society, something special to do for the Vlaamhorses. Let us join hands and keep trying a Vlaam show, which will be remembered for the next 30 years.
I would like to make a few acknowledgments. My wife Randi, thank you for standing up for me, Marina and Hoffie van Blerk thank you for your selfless work for the past eight years. S. A. Pedigree thank you for your services and what you taught us. We are fortunate to sit under your wings. Lettie Kruger a specially thank you for what you are doing for us, you have the reins firmly in your hand. Our bookkeepers Bester and Associates thank you for your services.
A big thanks to our sponsors over the past year. We know the economy is not good, but you still have watched us. Thanks again judges and officials without you we can not, thank you for your willingness to stand in the show courts and judge all our horses. To Vlaamhorse management thank you for your contribution and service over the past year. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development and survival of the Vlaamhorse.
To our Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege, gift and talent that we have to work with these animals, without your guidance we can not go on.
Koela Smith
Friends and members, we have once again come to an end of another Vlaamhorse year. An exciting year in which we can look back and look forward to an exciting one ahead. The Society was founded in 1983 and now we are 30 years old. What a milestone!!
We can proudly look back on the past 30 years. Just look at where we started and where we stand today! First I want to say thank you to those who 30 years ago laid the expertise on the day, the black horse of the country about many years called Vlaamhorses, in 1983 as a full-fledged race to approve and register. Thank you to those who are still with us today, (Piet Serdyn) and also to those who are no longer with us. Thank you to our members today, every day helps to build our race and ensure its survival. Vlaamhorses are one of our little South African bred Horse Race and certainly one to be proud of.
We are still a developing breed and we should be a closed herd after 30 years, but our gene pool is too small for us to close the gene pool.
Vlaamhorses won again this year and made their mark on the shows. The following shows were well represented by the Vlame, Heidelberg, Swellendam, Williston, Clanwilliam, Lutzville, Porterville and Loeriesfontein. There was no regional shows offered, the reason is the cost for the hosts. Agri-Expo gives no more extra money for the regional shows as in the past.
Most of the above shows, Go Horse shows presented, where all the Contract Horses show. It works great for nice strong competitive classes, which is good for the performers and the spectators. Thanks to these shows for your hospitality. It is a pleasure to show to you. Keep up the good work, we will support you!!
Porterville is 150 years old this year and we want to appeal to our members to support them in their show.
Our National Championship in Moorreesburg was again a great success. There were fourteen exhibitors with about 90 horses and five water teams. Thank you, Ian Koch for you and your team for what you do for the Vlaamhorses. It is a great honor and a privilege for the Society over the past 25 years to be part of the Swartland Show. We would also like to appeal to Swartland Show and the Society with its members this year with 30 anniversary of Vlaamhorse breeders society, something special to do for the Vlaamhorses. Let us join hands and keep trying a Vlaam show, which will be remembered for the next 30 years.
I would like to make a few acknowledgments. My wife Randi, thank you for standing up for me, Marina and Hoffie van Blerk thank you for your selfless work for the past eight years. S. A. Pedigree thank you for your services and what you taught us. We are fortunate to sit under your wings. Lettie Kruger a specially thank you for what you are doing for us, you have the reins firmly in your hand. Our bookkeepers Bester and Associates thank you for your services.
A big thanks to our sponsors over the past year. We know the economy is not good, but you still have watched us. Thanks again judges and officials without you we can not, thank you for your willingness to stand in the show courts and judge all our horses. To Vlaamhorse management thank you for your contribution and service over the past year. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development and survival of the Vlaamhorse.
To our Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege, gift and talent that we have to work with these animals, without your guidance we can not go on.
Koela Smith
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